How to Dehydrate Peppers in Air Fryer

How to Dehydrate Peppers in Air Fryer: The Ultimate Guide

To dehydrate peppers in an air fryer, thinly slice the peppers and place them in a single layer on the air fryer tray. Set the air fryer to the lowest temperature setting and let the peppers dehydrate for several hours until they are dry and crispy.

Dehydrating peppers is a great way to preserve their flavor and add a spicy kick to various dishes. While you can use a dehydrator or oven for this process, using an air fryer offers a convenient and efficient alternative. Air fryers circulate hot air around the food, effectively drying it out.

We will guide you on dehydrating peppers in an air fryer, providing an easy and quick method to enjoy flavorful dried peppers at home. Whether you want to make your own chili flakes or create a supply of dried peppers for future use, using an air fryer can be a game-changer in your kitchen. Let’s dive into the process and dehydrate peppers in an air fryer.

How to Dehydrate Peppers in Air Fryer: The Ultimate Guide


Choose The Right Type Of Peppers

Discover how to dehydrate peppers in an air fryer, ensuring you choose the right type of peppers to achieve the best results. This simple method preserves the flavor and heat of the peppers while providing a convenient and flavorful ingredient for your recipes.

Consider the heat level and flavor profile:

  • Mild peppers, such as bell peppers, are perfect for those who prefer a gentle kick of heat. They add a subtle flavor to your dishes without overpowering them.
  • Medium-heat peppers, like poblano or Anaheim peppers, offer a slightly spicier taste. They provide a balanced flavor, a step up from mild peppers.
  • Hot peppers such as jalapenos or serranos are the way to go for those who crave more heat. They bring a fiery punch to your meals and deliver a bold flavor.
  • If you are feeling adventurous and want the ultimate heat experience, habanero or ghost peppers are excellent choices. Use caution when handling and consuming these peppers due to their intense heat level.

Select peppers that are ripe and fresh:

  • Look for peppers that are firm and have a vibrant color. Avoid any peppers that appear shriveled or have soft spots.
  • Freshness is key when dehydrating peppers. Choose peppers that have been recently harvested, as they will retain the most flavor and nutrients.

Remove any bruises or blemishes:

  • Before dehydrating, inspect each pepper and remove any bruises or blemishes. These imperfections can affect the quality of the dried peppers.
  • Removing any damaged areas ensures that you are dehydrating peppers that are in peak condition.

Remember, the type of pepper you choose will determine your dehydrated peppers’ heat level and flavor. Selecting ripe and fresh peppers will result in the best quality dried peppers while removing any bruises or blemishes guarantees optimal results.

Washing And Drying The Peppers

To dehydrate peppers in an air fryer, start by washing and drying the peppers. This step ensures a clean and dry base for dehydration, resulting in flavorful and long-lasting dried peppers.

Rinse the peppers under running water:

  • Gently place the peppers in a colander and hold them under running water.
  • Rotate them to ensure that all surfaces are thoroughly washed.
  • Properly cleaning the peppers will remove any dirt or debris.

Pat them dry with a towel:

  • After rinsing, gently pat the peppers dry with a clean kitchen towel.
  • Make sure to remove excess moisture to prevent water droplets from interfering with the dehydration process.
  • Ensure that each pepper is completely dry before proceeding.

Remove excess moisture to ensure even dehydration:

  • To achieve evenly dehydrated peppers, it is important to remove any remaining moisture.
  • Use a paper towel to blot the peppers, especially focusing on any areas where water may have collected.
  • This step is crucial as any moisture left on the peppers may lead to inconsistent drying and potential spoilage.

By following these steps, you will guarantee that your peppers are properly washed and dried, setting the foundation for successful dehydration. Remember, thorough cleaning and drying are essential to achieve the best results when dehydrating peppers in an air fryer.

Removing The Seeds And Membrane

To dehydrate peppers in an air fryer, start by removing the seeds and membrane. This step helps to concentrate the flavor and ensures even drying.

To properly dehydrate peppers in an air fryer, you need to remove the seeds and membrane. This process is essential to ensure that the peppers dry evenly and thoroughly. Follow the steps below to remove the seeds and white membrane from your peppers:

Cut Off The Top Of The Pepper

  • Begin by cutting off the top of the pepper using a sharp knife. This will open your access to the pepper’s interior easily.

Slice It In Half Lengthwise

  • After cutting off the top, slice the pepper in half lengthwise. This will allow you to access the seeds and membrane inside easily.

Remove The Seeds And White Membrane With A Knife Or Spoon

  • Using a knife or spoon, gently scrape out the seeds and white membrane from each pepper half. Make sure to remove as much of the membrane as possible, as it can be bitter and affect the flavor of the dehydrated peppers.

Following these steps will ensure that your peppers are ready for the dehydration process in the air fryer. Now that you have removed the seeds and membrane, you can proceed with slicing the peppers into your desired thickness and arranging them in the air fryer to be dehydrated.

Enjoy the flavorful results of your homemade dehydrated peppers in various dishes and recipes!

Slicing The Peppers For Dehydration

Learn how to easily dehydrate peppers in an air fryer by slicing them into thin pieces. This simple method locks in the flavor and creates a delicious snack or ingredient for your favorite recipes.

To ensure that your peppers dehydrate evenly and efficiently in the air fryer, it’s essential to slice them properly. Follow these steps to achieve the perfect slices for dehydrating your peppers:

Choose the desired thickness of the slices:

  • Opt for slices that are approximately 1/4 inch thick for faster drying.
  • Thicker slices may take longer to dehydrate, so adjust according to your preference.

Slice the peppers into even pieces:

  • Start by washing and rinsing the peppers thoroughly.
  • Remove the stem and cut the peppers lengthwise, halving them.
  • Remove the seeds and inner membranes.
  • Place the halves flat on the cutting board, ensuring stability.
  • Cut the peppers into slices of the chosen thickness, maintaining consistency throughout.

Ensure consistency for uniform drying, making sure that each slice is similar in thickness and size. This will help achieve even results and prevent some parts from drying while others remain moist.

Preheating The Air Fryer

To dehydrate peppers in an air fryer, preheating is essential. Preheat the air fryer before placing the peppers to ensure a crispy and evenly dehydrated result.

Before you begin dehydrating peppers in your air fryer, it’s essential to preheat the appliance to the appropriate temperature. Preheating helps ensure that the peppers dehydrate evenly and efficiently. Here’s how you can set the air fryer to the correct temperature:

  • Set the air fryer to the temperature specified in your recipe or dehydrating guide. Typically, a temperature between 135°f and 160°f is ideal for dehydrating peppers.
  • Once you’ve selected the desired temperature, allow the air fryer to preheat for a few minutes. This will ensure that it reaches the set temperature and is ready for dehydrating.
  • During the preheating process, make sure to keep the air fryer basket or trays empty. This allows the appliance to heat up evenly.
  • You can check the internal temperature of the air fryer using an oven thermometer for accuracy, especially if your air fryer doesn’t have a built-in temperature display.

Preheating the air fryer properly sets the stage for successful pepper dehydration. It ensures that the peppers are exposed to the right temperature from the start, enabling them to gradually lose moisture and reach the desired dehydrated state. So, take a moment to preheat your air fryer before moving on to the next steps in the pepper dehydration process.

Placing The Pepper Slices In The Air Fryer

To dehydrate peppers in an air fryer, simply place the pepper slices on the air fryer tray in a single layer. Set the temperature and time according to the recipe or preference, and let the air fryer work its magic until the peppers are dried to perfection.

Lay The Pepper Slices In A Single Layer In The Air Fryer Basket

To achieve perfectly dehydrated peppers using your air fryer, it is important to lay the pepper slices in a single layer in the air fryer basket. This allows for even air circulation and ensures that each slice gets dehydrated properly.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Preparing the air fryer: Before placing the pepper slices, make sure to preheat your air fryer to the desired temperature. This will ensure that the dehydration process starts immediately.
  • Slice the peppers: Start by washing and removing the stems and seeds from the peppers. Slice them into thin, uniform pieces to ensure consistent dehydration.
  • Arranging the slices: Carefully lay the pepper slices in a single layer, avoiding any overlap. This allows each slice to receive equal exposure to hot air during dehydration.
  • Leave space for airflow: Avoid overcrowding the air fryer basket. Leaving space between each slice allows for proper air circulation and prevents the slices from sticking together.
  • Regularly check and flip: During dehydration, it’s important to check on the pepper slices regularly. Flip them over halfway through to ensure uniform drying. This helps to prevent any slices from becoming excessively dehydrated or burnt.
  • Adjust time and temperature: Different air fryers may require different settings to achieve the desired results. Monitor the pepper slices closely and adjust the time and temperature settings accordingly to achieve the level of dehydration you prefer.

By following these steps and laying the pepper slices in a single layer in the air fryer basket, you’ll be able to dehydrate peppers effectively and efficiently. Now, let’s move on to the next step to complete the process.

Dehydrating The Peppers

Dehydrating The Peppers

Learn how to dehydrate peppers using an air fryer, providing a convenient and time-saving method for preserving this spicy ingredient. With simple steps and minimal effort, you can enjoy the preserved flavor and versatility of dehydrated peppers in your culinary creation.

Dehydrating peppers in an air fryer is a simple and efficient way to preserve their flavor and create tasty snacks or additions to your favorite recipes. Follow these steps to ensure successful dehydration:

Set The Air Fryer To The Desired Temperature And Time

  • Preheat your air fryer to the recommended temperature for dehydrating peppers, which is usually around 125-135°f (51-57°c).
  • Adjust the time according to the thickness of the pepper slices. Thicker slices will require longer dehydration times.

Check On The Peppers Periodically

  • Peek into the air fryer every hour or so to monitor the progress of the dehydration process.
  • Ensure that the peppers are drying evenly and not becoming over-dehydrated.

Flip The Slices For Even Dehydration

  • After the peppers dehydrate for a couple of hours, carefully flip the slices to promote even drying.
  • This step will help ensure uniformity and prevent any spots of under or over-dehydration.

With these simple steps, you’ll have perfectly dehydrated peppers in no time. Enjoy the savory, concentrated flavors they bring to your dishes or savor them as a satisfying snack. Experiment with different types of peppers to discover unique taste profiles.

So go ahead, fire up your air fryer, and give dehydration a whirl!

Cooling And Resting The Dehydrated Peppers

To properly dehydrate peppers in an air fryer, it is important to cool and rest them afterwards. This allows the peppers to reach their desired texture and enhances their flavor for a delicious addition to any dish.

Allow The Peppers To Cool Completely:

  • After the dehydration process, it’s important to allow the peppers to cool completely before storing them.
  • Place the dehydrated peppers on a cooling rack or a parchment-lined baking sheet to promote air circulation.
  • This cooling period helps to ensure that any remaining moisture evaporates, making the peppers crisp and preventing them from becoming damp during storage.
  • Cooling the peppers for at least 1 to 2 hours is recommended to ensure they are completely cooled down before moving on to the next step.

Let Them Rest For A Few Hours:

  • Once the peppers have cooled, it’s essential to let them rest for a few hours to ensure all moisture is evaporated.
  • Allowing the peppers to rest gives them time to reach a consistent level of dryness throughout.
  • The resting period helps to remove any remaining moisture that may have been trapped within the peppers during the cooling process.
  • This step is crucial in achieving your dehydrated peppers’ desired crispness and texture.

Additional Tips For Cooling And Resting The Dehydrated Peppers:

  • Ensure that there is enough space between the peppers during the cooling process to promote proper airflow and prevent them from sticking together.
  • Keep the dehydrated peppers away from any sources of moisture or humidity during the cooling and resting period.
  • If you notice any signs of moisture or condensation on the peppers during the cooling or resting process, continue the drying process until they are completely dry.
  • Storing the dehydrated peppers in an airtight container or a resealable bag after cooling and resting will help to maintain their freshness and crispness for a longer duration.
  • It’s advisable to label and date the containers or bags to keep track of the storage time and avoid using peppers that have been stored for too long.

Remember, the cooling and resting process is a crucial step in achieving perfectly dehydrated peppers. Take the time to ensure they are completely cooled and rested to enjoy the best results in flavor and texture. Happy dehydrating!

Testing For Dryness

Dehydrate peppers effortlessly using an air fryer for optimal dryness. Enjoy the convenience of testing for dryness without the need for complicated methods or lengthy timeframes. Discover the simple process of preserving peppers with this easy-to-follow guide.

To ensure that your peppers are fully dehydrated, follow these simple steps:

  • Squeeze a piece: Take a piece of the dehydrated pepper and give it a gentle squeeze. If it feels dry and brittle, with no signs of moisture, then it is properly dehydrated.
  • Check for flexibility: Bend the pepper slightly. If it snaps easily without any bending, it is a good indication that it has been thoroughly dehydrated.
  • Observe the appearance: Properly dehydrated peppers should have a shriveled and shrunken appearance, indicating that most of the moisture has been removed.
  • Conduct a taste test: Finally, taste a small piece of the dehydrated pepper. It should be crispy, with a concentrated flavor. If it tastes chewy or retains any moisture, it needs more time in the air fryer.

Remember, fully dehydrated peppers are essential to ensure their longevity and prevent spoilage.

Storing Dehydrated Peppers

Learn how to easily dehydrate peppers in an air fryer for convenient storage. By following these simple steps, you can preserve the flavor and nutrients of your peppers to enjoy year-round.

So you’ve successfully dehydrated your peppers in the air fryer and now you’re wondering how to store them properly to maintain their quality and flavor. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Follow these simple steps to ensure your dehydrated peppers stay fresh for as long as possible:

Place The Peppers In An Airtight Container:

  • Transfer the dehydrated peppers into a clean and sterilized airtight container.
  • Make sure the container is large enough to hold all the peppers without overcrowding.
  • Avoid using plastic bags as they are not as effective in preventing moisture and air from reaching the peppers.
  • Glass jars with tight-fitting lids are a great option for storing dehydrated peppers.

Store In A Cool And Dry Place:

  • Find a cool and dry location in your kitchen or pantry to store the container.
  • Avoid areas that are prone to heat or humidity, such as near the stove or dishwasher.
  • Direct sunlight can also affect the quality of dehydrated peppers, so keep them away from windows or exposed areas.
  • A cool and dry place will help maintain the flavor and color of the peppers.

Rehydrating And Using Dehydrated Peppers

Discover how to easily dehydrate peppers using an air fryer for a convenient and flavorful way to preserve them. Rehydrate the dried peppers and unlock their intense taste to use in various dishes like soups, stews, and sauces.

Soak The Peppers In Water Or Broth To Rehydrate:

  • Rehydrating dried peppers is a simple process that brings them back to life with all their original flavor and texture. Here’s how you can do it:
  • Place the desired amount of dried peppers in a bowl or container.
  • Cover the peppers with either warm water or broth of your choice.
  • Ensure the liquid fully covers the peppers, allowing them to absorb it.
  • Let the peppers soak in the liquid for about 30 minutes to an hour, or until they become plump and soft.
  • Once rehydrated, drain any excess liquid from the peppers before using them in recipes.
  • Rehydrated peppers can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Use The Rehydrated Peppers In Various Dishes:

  • Rehydrated peppers can add a burst of flavor and a subtle heat to many dishes. Here are some creative ways to incorporate them:
  • Slice the rehydrated peppers and use them as a topping for pizzas or salads.
  • Blend the peppers into a smooth paste to create a spicy sauce or dip.
  • Chop the rehydrated peppers and mix them into omelets or scrambled eggs.
  • Add them to soups, stews, or chili for an extra punch of flavor.
  • Stuff the rehydrated peppers with cheese or meat for delicious stuffed pepper appetizers.
  • Puree the peppers and use the paste as a marinade for meats or vegetables.
  • Mix them into guacamole or salsa for a spicy kick.
  • Grind the rehydrated peppers to make your own homemade chili powder.
  • Infuse oils or vinegars with rehydrated peppers for a unique flavor profile.
  • Get creative and experiment with different recipes to fully enjoy the versatility of rehydrated peppers.

Remember, rehydrated peppers retain their original heat and flavor, so adjust the quantity according to your preference. Enjoy the spicy goodness!

Choosing The Right Pepper Varieties

Discover the perfect pepper varieties for dehydrating in an air fryer. Learn how to preserve the flavors and spice of your favorite peppers with this simple and efficient method.

Choosing the right pepper varieties:

When it comes to dehydrating peppers in an air fryer, the choice of pepper varieties can greatly impact the flavor and heat of the final product. To ensure that you get the desired results, it’s important to consider the different types of peppers for specific purposes.

Here are some factors to keep in mind:

Consider The Different Types Of Peppers For Specific Purposes:

  • Bell peppers: These mild and sweet peppers are a great choice for those who prefer less heat in their dehydrated peppers. They come in a variety of colors, including green, red, yellow, and orange, and can add a subtle sweetness to dishes.
  • Jalapeno peppers: Known for their medium heat level, jalapenos are a versatile pepper variety to dehydrate. They provide a nice combination of flavor and heat, making them suitable for adding a kick to dishes without being too overpowering.
  • Habanero peppers: If you’re a fan of spicy food, habanero peppers are the way to go. These fiery peppers pack a punch and will add significant heat to your dehydrated peppers. Use them sparingly if you’re not a fan of intense spiciness.
  • Cayenne peppers: Cayenne peppers fall in the medium to hot heat range. They have a bold and slightly fruity flavor, making them a popular choice for adding a zing to various dishes. Dehydrated cayenne peppers can be ground into a fine powder to use as a seasoning.
  • Thai peppers: Known for their small size and intense heat, thai peppers are not for the faint of heart. These tiny peppers can add a fiery kick to any dish, so be sure to use them sparingly if you’re not a fan of extreme heat.

Experiment with different flavors and heat levels:

As with any cooking adventure, it’s always fun to experiment with different flavors and heat levels when dehydrating peppers in an air fryer. Here are a few ways you can explore the world of peppers:

  • Mix and match: Don’t be afraid to combine different pepper varieties to create unique flavor profiles. Experiment with different ratios to find the perfect balance of heat and flavor that suits your taste buds.
  • Test your heat tolerance: If you enjoy a bit of spice, challenge yourself by trying peppers with higher heat levels. Gradually increase the amount of heat in your dehydrated peppers to discover new levels of spiciness that you can handle.
  • Preserve the flavor: When dehydrating peppers, preserve their natural flavors. Different pepper varieties offer distinct taste profiles, so take the time to fully appreciate the unique flavors each one brings to the table.

Remember, dehydrating peppers in an air fryer is all about personal preference. Whether you prefer mild, medium, or hot heat levels, there’s a pepper variety out there that will suit your taste buds. So, get creative in the kitchen and enjoy the flavorful world of dehydrated peppers!

Adjusting Temperature And Time

To dehydrate peppers in an air fryer, adjust the temperature and time according to the recipe. Experiment to find the perfect settings for crispy and flavorful dried peppers.

Dehydrating peppers in an air fryer is a convenient way to preserve their flavors and extend their shelf life. To achieve the perfect dehydrated texture, it’s important to adjust the temperature and time settings based on your personal preferences and the type of peppers you’re using.

Here’s how you can customize the dehydration process:

  • Start by selecting the appropriate temperature setting on your air fryer. It’s recommended to set the temperature between 125°f to 135°f for optimal dehydration. This low heat ensures that the peppers dry out slowly and evenly, preserving their taste and nutritional value.
  • Experiment with different time settings based on the size and thickness of your peppers. Generally, 2 to 4 hours of dehydration time is sufficient for most pepper varieties. However, feel free to adjust the time as needed, depending on your desired level of crispness and moisture removal.
  • Keep in mind that the dehydration process can vary depending on the moisture content of the peppers and the humidity level in your surroundings. If you notice that the peppers are not reaching the desired texture within the suggested time frame, consider extending the dehydration time by 30 minutes intervals.
  • For milder peppers or those you want to retain some moisture, reduce the dehydration time on the air fryer while keeping the temperature the same. This will ensure that the peppers are dried to the right level without becoming too brittle or losing their natural moisture.
  • On the other hand, if you prefer a crunchier and more dehydrated texture, you can increase the dehydration time by 30 minutes to an hour. This will give the peppers a satisfying crunch while still preserving their flavor.
  • It’s worth noting that different pepper varieties may require slight adjustments in temperature and time to achieve the desired results. Thicker peppers like bell peppers might need slightly longer dehydration times, while thinner peppers such as chili peppers may require shorter times.
  • As you become more experienced with dehydrating peppers in an air fryer, you’ll gain a better understanding of your personal preferences and the optimal settings for different pepper varieties.
  • To ensure even dehydration, consider rotating the trays or racks halfway through the process. This will help distribute the heat evenly and prevent any uneven drying of the peppers.
  • Don’t forget to monitor the progress of the peppers throughout the dehydration process. Check for any signs of over-drying or under-drying, such as excessive crispiness or remaining moisture. Adjust the temperature and time accordingly to achieve the perfect balance.
  • Once your peppers reach the desired texture, let them cool completely before storing them in airtight containers. Properly dehydrated peppers can be stored for several months, allowing you to enjoy their vibrant flavors and unique taste throughout the year.

Using Dehydrated Peppers In Recipes

Discover the secret to perfectly dehydrated peppers using an air fryer, creating a versatile ingredient for adding flavor to your recipes. Transform your fresh peppers into a tasty and long-lasting addition to soups, stews, sauces, and more.

Dehydrated peppers are not only a great way to preserve the flavors of fresh peppers, but they also add a unique twist to your recipes. Here are some creative ways to incorporate dehydrated peppers into your cooking:

  • Incorporate dehydrated peppers into stews, soups, and sauces:
  • Add a handful of dehydrated bell peppers to your favorite stew or soup for an extra burst of flavor and a touch of sweetness.
  • Toss in some dehydrated jalapenos for a spicy kick in your homemade chili or tomato sauce.
  • Rehydrate dehydrated peppers by soaking them in hot water before using them in your recipes. This will help them regain their texture and intensify their flavors.
  • Grind the peppers to create homemade spice blends:
  • Place the dehydrated peppers in a spice grinder or blender and pulse until you achieve the desired consistency.
  • Use the ground peppers to create your own custom spice blends. Mix them with other herbs and spices like garlic powder, cumin, or paprika to create unique flavors that will elevate any dish.
  • Store your homemade spice blends in airtight containers to preserve their freshness and potency.

By using dehydrated peppers in your recipes, you can add a depth of flavor that fresh peppers simply can’t provide. Experiment with different varieties and heat levels to find the perfect balance for your taste buds. Whether you’re adding them to stews, soups, and sauces or grinding them to create homemade spice blends, dehydrated peppers are a versatile ingredient that can take your dishes to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Dehydrate Peppers In Air Fryer

What Temperature Do You Dehydrate Peppers In An Air Fryer?

Dehydrate peppers in an air fryer at a temperature of 135-140°f for around 4-6 hours.

What Is The Best Way To Dehydrate Peppers?

To dehydrate peppers, the best method is to use a food dehydrator. Start by washing and drying the peppers, then slice them into uniform pieces. Arrange the slices on the dehydrator trays, making sure they are not overlapping. Set the dehydrator to a low temperature, around 125 to 135 degrees fahrenheit.

Leave the peppers to dehydrate for 8 to 10 hours, or until they are fully dried. You can also use an oven as an alternative method. Preheat the oven to its lowest setting, then place the sliced peppers on a baking sheet.

Leave the oven door slightly ajar to allow moisture to escape. Check on the peppers regularly and flip them to ensure even drying. The peppers are done when they are brittle and have no moisture. Store the dehydrated peppers in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

Can You Dehydrate In All Air Fryers?

Yes, you can dehydrate in all air fryers. Air fryers use convection cooking technology, which is ideal for dehydrating food. Dehydration involves removing moisture from the food, and air fryers can do this effectively. Air fryers have adjustable temperature settings that allow you to set the right temperature for dehydration.

You can adjust the temperature to a low setting, typically around 120 to 140 degrees fahrenheit, to slowly remove the moisture from the food. It is important to note that the dehydration process in an air fryer may take longer compared to using a dedicated food dehydrator.

However, air fryers are versatile kitchen appliances that can perform multiple cooking functions, including dehydrating. So, if you already have an air fryer at home, you can use it to dehydrate your favorite fruits, vegetables, herbs, or even make your own jerky.


Dehydrating peppers in an air fryer is a simple and efficient way to preserve your crop and enjoy their flavors year-round. By following these easy steps, you can ensure that your dehydrated peppers are crispy, flavorful, and ready to enhance your dishes.

From selecting the right peppers to properly preparing them and adjusting the air fryer settings, this guide has provided all the necessary information to dehydrate peppers successfully. With the added bonus of the air fryer’s convenient and time-saving features, there is no reason to hesitate in giving this method a try.

So, whether you want to enhance your favorite recipes, create your own spice blends, or simply enjoy the rich flavors and heat of dehydrated peppers, the air fryer is your go-to tool. Embrace the journey of homemade dehydrated peppers and elevate your culinary adventures like never before.

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